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Linda Shriner-Cahn color Rabbi Linda's Weekly Message

February 14 , 2025
16 Sh'vat 5785
Exodus 18:1 - 20-23

Dear Friends,

It is Tu B’Shevat, the birthday of the trees -- a day to celebrate the miraculous wonder of nature even though the weather is less than glorious. It seems that the challenge that we so often face is to celebrate all that is possible and all that is good in the face of darkness and difficulty.

As this minor holiday has gained traction, it has also gained in meaning. What began as a tax holiday in Mishnaic times is so much more. It is an opportunity to be reminded of the contract established at creation and reaffirmed after the flood that we are the guardians of the earth. It is a time to celebrate the mystery that is creation.



 Mitzvah of the Week

This week is Tu B’Shevat – the birthday of the trees.

There is never a wrong time to get involved in environmental causes, but it is always the right time to be reminded why it matters. Although the trees are not in bloom, much is happening inside of them and we wait for them to bloom, I invite us all to bring a plant into our homes to nurture and care for and if our home is filled with plants, give one to a friend or neighbor. Caring for other forms of life refreshes our own humanity.


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Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya'aseh shalom aleinu ve'al kol Israel, ve'imru, Amen.
May the One who makes peace in the heavens, make peace for us all and all the people of Israel.
Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785