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Art for Aid

Rick Feldman of Art for AID started this year's 100 Boxes campaign last week. For the past few years, he has handed out boxes to be filled with loose change and transformed into contributions to local initiatives. Last year, the tzedakah boxes were used to help create a Pollinator Pathway. This year, the proceeds will be used to combat hunger in our local community.

He will be handing out boxes this Sunday at the Riverdale Y Sunday Market as part of "Shine Light on Local Hunger" -- a Family Friendly Food Justice Awareness, Activity, and Action Fair (see flyer below). The campaign will conclude on the MLK Day of Service on January 15 at the Riverdale Y.

If you can't come to the market this Sunday, contact Rick directly at to get your box.

Visit the ART FOR AID website

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785